Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport i Basseterre

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Basseterre, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-8121
Latitude: 17.3115058, Longitude: -62.7184272
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Kommentar 5

  • Ria Ramoutar

    Ria Ramoutar


    I am very disappointed that passengers on late afternoon/evening flight cannot tpurchase a bottle of water or have the availability of a water fountain. Surely something can be done so we don’t have to sit here for hours without water or anything to drink.

  • Scott M.

    Scott M.


    January 2018. Overall St. Kitts airport is no better or worse than most Island airports. My rating on departure procedures is 4 stars because everything flowed as expected. The lines, even at peak afternoon on Saturday, we’re crowded but manageable. Baggage check was ok but any large shells will be confiscated so make sure to pack those in your checked bags. The seating area was crowded and full but everyone who wanted a seat could find one. The air conditioning was working great. Food choices are very limited to snacks and one small bar. Duty free shopping is also very limited so if you have a particular spirit that you found in town you may want to purchase it before entering the airport. Arriving is a different experience. The lines are disorganized. My advice is whenever they have 2-3 lines always chose the one(s) on the outside closest to the walls. DO NOT get stuck in the middle line if you have any option at all. The outer ones move 2-3 times faster.

  • Cory Davis

    Cory Davis


    This airport was the gold standard in shittiness; I have traveled to many places, including 3rd world countries, and this took the cake. This place was completely disorganized, and the immigration staff just wanted to be in charge, even though zero evidence of actual security could be observed. If I could give zero stars, I would. What the place lacked in professionalism at the security line it made up for with 25 minute lines at its concession stands and approximately 200 seats for the 700 customers leaving at the EXACT SAME TIME. Unfortunately, the airport in and out of town made me question ever coming back to Nevis, which otherwise was beautiful.

  • meg mag

    meg mag


    I can't even imagine how customer service could be this horrible. The rudeness and unwillingness to help customers POLITELY baffles me. There needs to be some serious training for most of the staff so they have better communication skills and understanding that they are there to Serve and make travel experience less stressful for the customers and not for display of attitudes.

  • Jay Dunc

    Jay Dunc


    To be modest the airport sits on prime real estate that needs an upgrade. I'm a native of the island and dread coming through the airport when I'm visiting family. The money water on the private facility could of been used wisely and upgraded the airport truthfully ensuring st kitts a spot to be a world class destination. I would really like to see the airport upgrade at several fronts. I was a kid when the current building went into place and here I am an adult still looking at this building. I love my country and would really like to see it positioned in a better place than it is currently. The airport needs jet bridges ASAP. We want people to come and have a great welcoming and exit experience. We have to do better and secure our place in the future.

Nærmeste Lufthavn:

Signature Flight Support SKB - Robert L. Bradshaw Int'l Airport

Robert L. Bradshaw Int'l Airport, Basseterre
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