Caribbean Cinemas i Brumaire

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Brumaire St Kitts and Nevis, Brumaire, San Cristóbal y Nieves
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-466-4777
Latitude: 17.2975374, Longitude: -62.7397603
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Kommentar 5

  • Aanaree Greene

    Aanaree Greene


    Love it there. Everything is just really nice. The food is kinda pricey though

  • fazim persaud

    fazim persaud


    Pretty decent movie theatre .. Air conditioned rooms, clean facility's, friendly staff, surround sound in the theatre rooms. The arcade needs a bit of help tho. Broken and outdated machine that never seem to get fixed. Definitely needs replacing. Hence why only 4 stars. Other than that pretty good experiences from past visits :).

  • Berry Francis

    Berry Francis


    Always great going there!! Love their Hot Dogs and Caramel Pop Corn. Its a must!!

  • Bobby 6 Liburd

    Bobby 6 Liburd


    The seating is very comfortable & clean, bathrooms are clean, always up to date with the latest films & tasty refreshments. The only negative thing is that to many "out of order" games in the arcade.

  • Karn Johri

    Karn Johri


    Best cinema on the island. Also the only cinema on the island. Some auditoriums are better than others, avoid auditorium 6 if possible.

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