Dolphin Discovery Saint Kitts i Basseterre

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Bird Rock Beach Hotel, Basseterre, Saint Kitts og Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 866-393-5158
Latitude: 17.284894, Longitude: -62.705064
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Kommentar 5

  • Douglas Robinson

    Douglas Robinson


    Playing the dolphins was absolutely great! On the walk up, however... The area the dolphins are kept in really makes me worry about how well their quality of living is... There were 2 in a small area on their own that seemed sad; the area we played with them in seemed just large enough though...

  • Scott Kayser

    Scott Kayser


    Enjoyed this excursion. Facility was well kept up, dolphins were properly taken care of and trainers knew what they were doing. Will go back again next time we're in St. Kitts!

  • Adam Sederlund

    Adam Sederlund


    Our kids had a blast doing the dolphin encounter. For those who are cruising and have the option to be an observer with a party that is conducting an encounter, beware that you really won't observe much. They have a nice designated area for you to sit, but all of the activity is at the docks, so if you were thinking that you would be able to see that wonderful smile on your kids face while you are observing, you would be wrong. The advertising is a little misleading.

  • Jo Williams

    Jo Williams


    Great way of seeing the dolphins. It is expensive for viewers who don't see the person they came with as everyone split into groups of 10 and taken to different sections along the pier. The photos are amazing quality and you can just purchase 1 or 2. Nice bar on site. Gift shop with. Usual. Although dolphins in enclosure you get impression they are well looked after.

  • Jules Hazelwood

    Jules Hazelwood


    My husband and I had an amazing experience in St. Kitts Dolphin Discovery as an Excursion when we went on a cruise, we booked privately. We were the only ones there who had purchased the top package, and we felt we got special attention (as paid for), and included in our package was a whole CD of 100 photos of us with the dolphins. We spoke to the vet and to a marine biologist, and we were given in-depth information about the health and care of these magnificent animals. We purchased a bag full of toys and towels and picture frames from the gift shop where the lovely young ladies were eager to help us. We were very impressed with our entire experience.

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