Independence Square i Basseterre

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Basseterre, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 256-835-3171
Latitude: 17.2960078, Longitude: -62.7222848
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Kommentar 5

  • Patrick Prentice

    Patrick Prentice


    Beautiful historic park in the heart of Basseterre. It has a massive Upside Down Tree which was awesome to see! 😊👍

  • A.B. Dada

    A.B. Dada


    Going on a cruise to St Kitts or sailing here yourself? Walk out of the corporate port into old Basseterre and meet the locals at noon lunch break here. Food trucks and ice cream trucks and bank workers and school students all hanging out taking a break. Tons of shade and places to sit and everyone is super friendly.

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Independence Square in Saint Kitts' Capital Basseterre (next to The Immaculate Conception Co Cathedral and others) is a great spot with a park-like atmosphere and having the flora, fauna and fountain to add to the ambiance. One of my personal best traveling moments happened in The Independence Square, a rather bemused individual asked why I was taking a picture of the Independence Square and if I do not see it every day. I wandered into The Independence Square exploring the City on foot and was struck by its presence and ambiance, those flamboyant trees in bloom really enliven the whole area and made it even more pleasant. Walking through on the paved path and on to the nearby road was a super convenient way to get to the nearby places of interest. This Place of Interest in the Capital city was a great place to have experienced and I recommend it to anyone in St. Kitts.

  • Syreeta Wells

    Syreeta Wells


    Generally a nice spot for ice cream and food. Good to sit and relax. Plenty of shade and grass. Well kept. Not an all day place. No bathroom.

  • Timothee Martin

    Timothee Martin


    A beautiful open air park in the heart of town with deep historical roots. Independence Square was named on the occasion of St. Kitts and Nevis achieving political independence on September 19, 1983. Originally called Pall Mall Square, The Government first acquired it in 1750 and it rapidly became the administrative, commercial and social centre of Basseterre. The Square was the site of the slave market. Slaves arriving from Africa were temporarily quartered in the basement of a building on the south side of the Square.

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