Ottley's Plantation Inn i Basseterre

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Ottley's Village, Basseterre ., St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-7234
Latitude: 17.3577706, Longitude: -62.747394
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Kommentar 5

  • Bernard Frank

    Bernard Frank


    Great place for lunch go early to enjoy the grounds

  • Paul Talaga

    Paul Talaga


    Tranquil paradise with great views, sunset colors over the hills, and amazing food. A great place to relax.

  • Sam Pax

    Sam Pax


    Went here for the Sunday brunch on New Year's Day This wasn't my first time going. In the I past have always sat on the porch to eat, with the beautiful veiw of the ocean For some reason they weren't seating people there today but we're seating people in the room with no view. When I asked if we could sit on the porch the woman said no. One of the owners happened to be walking around, I have met him before. When I asked him if we could sit there he said they were using it as an over flow for what they thought would be a busy day. There was a total of 15 people there. I would of thought you would fill the nicest spot in the restaurant first. The food was ok. But not as good as the past couple times. The service was terrible. I was lucky to get a drink and one cup of coffee. I don't think I will be going back for a while.

  • John Scribner

    John Scribner


    It's been some years since my wife and I visited Ottley's. I still remember our stay with fondness. Karen and family went out of their way to make us feel welcome, the room was elegant and spacious, the food was delicious. But most of all, the location of this bed and breakfast is absolutely superb. Removed from the cruise line docks and hustle of Bassetierre, the main building sits on a verdant green hillside with a gorgeous view of the ocean. Dark, hardwood floors and simple, but comfortable rooms make it a wonderful place to stay. One of these days we'll return. I can't wait.

  • Ronald Nowobielski

    Ronald Nowobielski


    Are you looking for that quite, off the beaten path kinda place? If so this is it. This is by far the most amazing place we have ever stayed. We were on our Honeymoon and wanted to be away from the hustle and bustle of the downtown area. This place is quite, hidden gem tucked away in the mountain side. The staff and owners make you feel at home. The food at the restaurant was out of this world. I say that if you are in the area. Skip St Thomas and come to St Christopher (St Kitts) Relax in Paradise, use the walking trails, go on horseback rides, and take the island tour. This is by far again AMAZING!

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