Ram's Supermarket i Brumaire

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Brumaire, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-466-2848
Hjemmeside: www.ramstrading.com
Latitude: 17.2966766, Longitude: -62.7425629
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Kommentar 5

  • Jo-Anne Mason

    Jo-Anne Mason


    Very nice new supermarket, clean, friendly staff nice deli with good selection. Good parking.

  • Caroline Conrad

    Caroline Conrad


    This is a very nice market. There is a wide variety of merchandise and the staff is helpful and courteous.

  • Amy Morales

    Amy Morales


    New Rams @ Frigate Bay is clean, great selection of produce, vegetarian friendly,good costumer service.

  • Gawain Fraites

    Gawain Fraites


    I like the service here and the staff are always friendly and helpful. One thing though they don't carry a wide variety of items and some of what they do carry is a bit on the high end. Still though would shop here. P.S. plays the best music. Always something to dance to while shopping.

  • John Amoroso

    John Amoroso


    Perhaps the most distinguishing feature is acceptance of American express credit cards. Otherwise, contains all the essentials as do its competitors with the advantage of a more spacious, clean, and friendly environment

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