St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank i Basseterre

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Basseterre, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-2204
Latitude: 17.2961398, Longitude: -62.7230555
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Kommentar 5

  • darryl matthews

    darryl matthews


    A bank where your stolen credit cards are used.

  • Okpara Akil

    Okpara Akil


    So easy it's scary

  • Dennis Rungarno

    Dennis Rungarno


    DO NOT PUT YOUR MONEY HERE!!! This bank has to be the worst ever in the world. Here are some simple examples 1) There online system is always down 2) There customer service is horrible 3) They will charge you to do a chargeback 4) If you return an item to a merchant and the merchant refunds you. You have to write the bank in order for the money to be credited on your account. 5) they nickel and dime you for everything often charging you a higher exchange rate. I can go on and on. Trust me stay away from this bank

  • C Estridge

    C Estridge


    Do you remember the 90's? Well this bank is somewhat stuck there. Communication skills Lack to the highest level and staff are very abrasive. Don't ask for a return call to resolve any issues once overseas, IT WON'T HAPPEN. And someone needs to tell these people answering the phones; "huh?" Is not professional at all

  • Michael darville

    Michael darville


    Great diving great fishing the waters beautiful people so nice and friendly it's truly paradise

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