Windsor University School of Medicine (Cayon Campus) i Saint Mary Cayon Parish

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Saint Mary Cayon, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 844-994-6376
Latitude: 17.359906, Longitude: -62.735968
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Kommentar 5

  • Tirumalasetti Kalyan

    Tirumalasetti Kalyan


    I Kalyan Tirumalasetti from AP, India persuing Pre-Med 3 in Windsor school Of Medicine, St Kitts, W.I Getting into top Medical University is much easier to dream than reality, I was baffled for a couple of months with the information on How to get into Top Ranked Medical schools with USMLE Based Curriculum, who can give training on it and clinicals options in USA, over the internet and manually. But When I met Overseas Education Group... Hyderabad, India Team the whole thing went smoothly from Admissions to Visa. Couple of Medical schools promised me an admission but the schools didn't reach my criteria. Windsor School Of Medicine, St Kitts, W.I saved one precious year by instantaneously giving me an admission with my choice and preferences. Windsor School Of Medicine, St Kitts, W.I made it very convenient and shaped a new exciting phase in my life towards my Dream Ambition Of Becoming Doctor.

  • Babu Jeniver

    Babu Jeniver


    My Jeniver Babu from Srilanka, I'm writing this testimony to express my gratitude to Windsor School Of Medicine ... for helping me sail through the very tiring journey for an admit in MD Program being reputed Top Medical School in Caribbean with USMLE based ciricculum. When I walked into this journey all I knew was my passion to acheive the one dream for a better future. But dreams need a lot more than passion to realise them in reality. I transfered from Russian medical university to WUSOM with Proper guidance, directional efforts, persistence . To put in bluntly, on now can compensate for the hard work needed for this journey but the guidance and support i didnt get earlier, There were times when I was depressed and had lost hope, but the optimism and support I got from OEG played a very important role to pull me into this journey for becoming a practicing Doctor in Countries like USA. Know I'm here at St Kitts, persuing my MD 2 . What was told is seen here ... Thank to every one who supported and helped to place in Windsor School Of Medicine, St Kitts, W.I

  • varsha bhosle

    varsha bhosle


    Windsor School of Medicine, St Kitts, W.I Helped me put away my fears and concerns away after I waited for 2 long years to crack NEET, by which I didn't get admitted in local Medical college to persue medicine. After scrutinizing many medical schools in Caribbean, I founh windsor achool of medicine, a oldest and safest university with good passing results. All my questions & concers on my future goals for MBBS with PG were taken and discussed, know I can proudly say that I'm a student of Top 5th Medical University with USMLE based ciricculum with Training and preparation, which help us to get placed in Residency in USA. With a affordable Fee. I had most amazing experience with senior students mentoring me through their experience with windsor, who are know practicing medicine after clearing their USMLE with Residency and got settled in countries like USA through Windsor School Of Medicine, St Kitts, W.I

  • Satish Goud

    Satish Goud


    I have always wanted my daughter to get world class education in top medical university was something on top of my things to do List. Windsor School of Medicine, St Kitts . W.I Helped me Look straight up to my Dream University. i was fortunate enough and really appreciate all the help & support Rendered By the Admission Department. Know My daughter Goes To a top medical university With Becker's education system, USMLE Based curriculum Along With USMLE Training & preparation , which helps her to peruse Her Residency at USA, which she always dreamed Of.

  • Ricardo Nieves

    Ricardo Nieves


    Hi guys! just one question....Are you guys credited? like UMHS?

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