Avis Rent A Car i Basseterre

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Bay Road, Basseterre, KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-6507
Hjemmeside: www.avisstkitts.com
Latitude: 17.2948408, Longitude: -62.7214877
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Kommentar 5

  • Viviana Da Silva

    Viviana Da Silva


    Good located, just a few paces from the taxi station in Port Zante (St. Kitts cruise port). Offer a free charge shuttle service once you return the car.

  • wayne Rawlins

    wayne Rawlins


    Friendly staff offer great service.

  • Matthew



    Don't be fooled by the great prices, because it may cost you your life. This is no exaggeration of the story either. We rented the car based on the amazing prices. But the car we were provided with was anything but acceptable. The car decelerated slowly when you took your foot of the accelerator so you didn't have to use the break very much. But when we did need to use it, we put the pedal to the floor and were still moving down the road. No screeching brakes, nothing, we had to pump the breaks 9 times before we saw any results of the brakes. When we finally made it back to the office the staff were extremely rude (rude from the beginning). They not only didn't care that there was a dire issue with the car, they were extremely rude when presenting the bill for the car. They have a very roundabout way of you completing their forms. For a good car and good service DO NOT go here.

  • Julio Calderon

    Julio Calderon


    Good service, low prices. Cars are in very good conditions.

  • Glenda Boddie

    Glenda Boddie


    Some of the employees were lovely and very courteous. First car had transmission issues and second car had tire issues. Would rent from them again though.

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