Colors Duty Free Jewellers i Basseterre

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Shop #36, Marina Village,, Port Zante, Basseterre, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-2030
Latitude: 17.292547, Longitude: -62.722713
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Kommentar 5

  • Trish D

    Trish D


    The salesmen were very nice, & helped me get some really good deals. Harry Lakhwani @ Colors Duty Free Jewellers in St. Kitts seemed to know exactly what I liked, & I got some good prices on the rings I bought. One was a beautiful amethyst & diamond ring. The other ring is reversible: one side has blue diamonds, & it flips over to chocolate diamonds! I've had so many compliments on both, but the reversible ring really catches everyone's eye!! I'll definitely be stopping in again if I make it back to St. Kitts.

  • Ana Lastres

    Ana Lastres


    My experience with Colors Duty Jewelry was fantastic! the ease of communication with Bunty from the first email to the last thank you after my package arrived. Would not hesitate to do business with them again. All my questions were answered quickly and the best my ring came as beautiful as the first time.

  • Kristen Cross

    Kristen Cross


    Great experience! Always end of finding something I love here. Very relaxed customer service. Listened to what I was looking for but not pushy. Came back two years later and remembered Bunty Chhatlani right away. Thanks again!

  • Jeff



    Had an awesome experience. Bunty / Nick @ Colors Duty Free Jewellers in St. Kitts were AWESOME!! They helped us with a ring we already had and we got a watch, a ring and a necklace. They have great stuff at great prices. They were also extremely knowledgeable and helpful.

  • Mat and Amber Harkless

    Mat and Amber Harkless


    Mark was a wonderful salesperson. He got us a great price on a great watch during our cruise port. I will definitely buy watches from Mark in the future

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