Four Seasons Resort Nevis i Charlestown

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Pinney's Beach, Charlestown, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-469-1111
Latitude: 17.1595966, Longitude: -62.6264889
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Kommentar 5

  • Mark Dews

    Mark Dews


    When you have booked a trip to the Four Seasons in Nevis, you know exactly what you're going to get...and I mean that in the most positive way possible. If you're looking for pampering, grade A service and breathtaking scenery, this is one of your go-to resorts. From the moment you drive onto the estate, you are treated like royalty and you never have to go looking very far to seek assistance. Every member of staff goes above and beyond to cater to your every whim. The grounds are well-maintained and the details of the aesthetic of the area is meticulously protected. I was also able to enjoy a round of golf at their course which has probably ruined any other course I will play at in the future. Playing golf with monkeys running wild across the course with the backdrop of the volcano was nothing short of incredible and the service from the staff on the course was superb. If you wanted anything, and I mean anything, they would fetch it and bring it to you on the course. Lastly, and this is one of my absolute favorite things to mention, was how some of the staff would dance with guests when music was playing, some even sang with the house band. It was a wonderful change from the usual stuffy atmospheres you get with other hotels and resorts.

  • Sam Masterman

    Sam Masterman


    Among its many and well kept facilities is a bar with and astounding range of rum

  • Sylestia Weddle

    Sylestia Weddle


    This place was gorgeous. The staff was amazing. Loved the adults only pool and some quiet time by the beach.

  • Suzanne Butler

    Suzanne Butler


    Four Seasons Golf Course Nevis is a championship layout that ranks with some of the best in the Caribbean. This tree-lined parkland course provides a wonderful test for your all-round game, with many attractive, skilfully crafted and challenging holes to enjoy. A must play if you are visiting Nevis.

  • Linda Pickering

    Linda Pickering


    Everything about this Four Seasons Resort is top notch. The beach, the gorgeous grounds, beautifully landscaped and maintained. Every member of the staff was cheerful and helpful. Our room was large and comfortable. Loved the golf course tour, complete with many monkeys. Service on the beach was superb; ice water, fruit and even tiny pina coladas offered throughout the day.

Nærmeste Spa:

The Spa at Four Seasons Resort Nevis

Pinney's Beach, Charlestown
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