Joseph N France General Hospital i Brumaire

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Brumaire, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-2551
Latitude: 17.2975705, Longitude: -62.73643
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Kommentar 5

  • mad star

    mad star


    Nice clean and friendly service but its really through triage.

  • Jack Richards

    Jack Richards


    Wife fell on a hike broke her jaw and wrist no pain meds for 6 hours no c.t scan tho she was knocked unconscious, well xraying her jaw they forced her on her stomach for no particular reason. Twisted her wrist which was a full break that could have unset the bone, no antibiotics until 3 hours of asking or saline. Doctor on call wouldn't let us see the xrays said that department was closed even tho they were still taking xrays, first said it was a small fracture only in the wrist nothing in the jaw but you could clearly see a open crack in her upfront jaw. Another doctor was called later who agreed with me about the open fracture and relooked at the images and seen the full break and put a split in place. Still no pain meds at this point. We are here on vacation they move us to a over night room and tell me I have to leave I can't stay in a waiting room or in her room and sit in the chair. Yet they have no way of monitoring who comes and goes no locked doors most of them are propped open for cooling the building on top of no vitals on her being monitored which is crazy to me seeing how she had head trauma. I would feel much safer being able to check her awareness every couple of hours. Gave 2 stars because a couple people were helpful but only to an extent and also no other real option here so to some extent they are working with what they have but past that there are not only missed but lazy attempts to care for patients. They could make things much more efficient not only for her situation but other I seen as well.

  • Lincoln Storrod

    Lincoln Storrod


    Well it's the hospital for any body who take stick and go dear..dear have to take care of you..the doctor's an ns...

  • Michael Riesenbeck

    Michael Riesenbeck


    My wife needed medical attention in the ER. Everyone on the staff was very helpful. The doctor was excellent. It's an older hospital but very effective at treating medical conditions. Very efficient also.

  • Akim Jones

    Akim Jones


    One of the worst hospitals in the world, second only to Alexandra Hospital in Nevis(The Worst). Five percent of the staff is nice and the other ninety five percent is miserable and mentally circumcise. The staff reacts in a belligerent manner to all questions. This hospital is so horrible that not even the prime minister of St.Kitts and Nevis will go there. P.S. Better equipments and staff needed

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