MaPau St Kitts Casino & Entertainment Centre i Saint George Basseterre

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St. Kitts und Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-2919
Latitude: 17.2923044, Longitude: -62.7224989
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Kommentar 5

  • Linda Maia Hadi

    Linda Maia Hadi


    If it were not for it's easy accessibility I would never go there. The staff appears to be lazy and most of them are rude. Floor service is the worst. I've been there for hours without being asked if I wanted a drink. More often than not I have to leave a game to get a beverage. The bathrooms are often messy and one particular cleaning staff member was extremely rude so much so that I had to leave the casino to cool off. I did return a short time later and reported her to the manager in duty. The staff at Ma Pau could be the poster people for unprofessionalism.

  • Dayton Wolf

    Dayton Wolf


    Good times here. Beer was cold, staff was friendly

  • nos nz

    nos nz


    For all the cruisers...Horrible people work there with no manners & bad attitude. They obviously HATE tourists. Lots of machines but not so fun to play on, they seem to just take and not give which made it not enjoyable. At the cashier they dont pay out any cents that you have either and if you ask for your 60c you gonna get shot down.

  • Angel Dias

    Angel Dias


    This place have the worst service ever and super unpolited staff. Do not recommend this place not even for game in a slot

  • Mayte Tapia

    Mayte Tapia


    So much fun inside! Be ready to loose or Win some money!

Nærmeste Kasino:

Royal Beach Casino

Sea Breeze Crescent, Kittian Village
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