Montpelier Plantation Hotel i Pond Hill

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St Johns Parish Montpelier Es, Pond Hill, Saint Kitts i Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-469-3462
Latitude: 17.1232, Longitude: -62.5902
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Kommentar 5

  • Matt Edwards

    Matt Edwards


    Wow, such an unexpected hideaway in paradise! The staff is extremely friendly, food is delicious, and the history is amazing. Never did I think that I would stay in a place without TV, and I am forever grateful that I did. If you are looking to experience the local culture and feel, yet being welcomed, this is the place to be!

  • Julie C

    Julie C


    The friendly staff that took excellent care of us and the natural scenic environment!!!

  • Adriana Perez Mercado

    Adriana Perez Mercado


    This hotel is amazing one of the best i has visited. I really enjoy my time there. The food is delicious and the service is incredible! The room was as expected!! And their private beach is amazingg!!!

  • Adriana Perez Mercado

    Adriana Perez Mercado


    Incrediblee hotelll!!! El servicio los ammenities la playa privada de verdad q es exelente!!! Lo recomiendo!!

  • Franklin Martinez

    Franklin Martinez


    This is a long one so brace yourselves. We went with our school aged daughter and I can't imagine staying anywhere else. I'll start with the staff.. they are absolutely the best! Being from the US I was a bit off put because of just how nice and helpful they were. I've never been to a place where the staff just seemed so genuinely nice and helpful. They also work really hard on keeping the place looking amazing. Whether it's cleaning up leaves, sweeping the pathways, or general upkeep the place always looks amazing. The rooms also have something that almost all Americans or other cold climate vacationers take for granted which is air conditioning! This is not guaranteed in all hotels, but this one has it (and fans) in their amazing rooms. Which the rooms are awesome, and meant for relaxation and disconnecting. No TV, just peace and tranquility and a view that beats any TV show. The restaurant is awesome (try their pancakes!) Their pool goes from 3ft to 10 ft and is so quiet. They have a bar at the pool, and an amazing relaxation field with a hammock with a view and feeling that's hard re-create anywhere else. Their private beach is cool, but to be honest not the best for swimming, more for relaxation. Overall best place and highly recommend!

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