Mr. X's Shiggidy Shack Beach Bar & Grill i Saint George Basseterre Parish

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The Strip, Frigate Bay, St. Kitts, San Cristóbal y Nieves
Kontakter telefon: +1-869
Latitude: 17.2807634, Longitude: -62.6869315
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Kommentar 5




    Decent food. Slow service. Had to ask to hear carribean music 🤔

  • Dave Adams

    Dave Adams


    Very laid back atmosphere with decent food. Very slow service, like most of St. Kitts. Good times here.

  • Michael Chandler

    Michael Chandler


    A Caribbean beach bar with reasonable prices and we liked that the staff keep the vendors away. Who wants to be bothered while you enjoy lunch and an adult beverage.... no one

  • Michael Markum

    Michael Markum


    My aunt and I visited this location on a recent cruise. It's a beautiful beach but our experience was less than ideal. The woman running the bar area was so very rude to everyone on the beach. Now, I understand it's a lively hood...she must sell food, rent chairs, and serve drinks but as the old saying goes "you get more bees with honey then vinegar". At one point she proceeded to dump everyone's items onto the beach out of the loungers instead of asking patrons to pay or if they had paid. Ranting that everyone was so f**king cheap and she was sick of it she angrily threw the chairs back from their original spots. It was at this point my aunt and I dressed and just wanted to leave so we waited away from the bar/grill area for our shuttle. It truly is a shame that such ugliness can spoil the beautiful surroundings of the area. I hope that the owners see this review or if she was the owner that some consideration goes into customer service overall. Perhaps a ticket process to manage the rentals.....seems the easiest solution.

  • COCOTAZO 263

    COCOTAZO 263


    Muy emocionante

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