Nisbet Plantation Beach Club i Newcastle

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Newcastle, Saint Kitts i Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-469-9325
Latitude: 17.2045436, Longitude: -62.5788684
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Kommentar 5

  • Viviana Da Silva

    Viviana Da Silva


    Paradise place, wonderful attention and delicious menu

  • Sean Huggins

    Sean Huggins


    There's a loooong wait but the food is delicious

  • Maffer x

    Maffer x


    I didn't stay here, but if you can catch the live happy strumming of guitars and silky voices, you will have the best gin n t afternoon on the beach xxx

  • Laura O

    Laura O


    Beautiful and peaceful place. Amazing staff. Everyone knows eachother by name, felt like we were there for way longer than a couple days. Would've stayed forever!

  • C. H. Cohen

    C. H. Cohen


    There are few - if any -places better, anywhere! I have stayed here numerous times, and have always enjoyed myself immensely. The location is stunning, very well maintained, groomed and always looks like a slice of heaven. The staff, there is not enough I can say about how wonderful, knowledgeable, and kind they are. Everyone is always smiling, and willing to do anything to make your stay as great as it can be. The plantation has history, exclusiveness, and beauty that cannot be matched. The cottages are up to date, very clean, and spacious. The amenities are well accounted, and thought out. My #1 choice for relaxation, enjoyment, and travel for the past 20 years.

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