Pro Divers St Kitts i Saint George Basseterre Parish

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Saint Kitts og Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-660-3483
Latitude: 17.2929693, Longitude: -62.7250178
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Kommentar 5

  • Mike Schwartz

    Mike Schwartz


    Great place to dive! Saw lots of octopi, I highly recommend this shop. Friendly crew

  • Eckart Schwarz

    Eckart Schwarz


    A big compliment to Austin and Margot and Fionn, but also to Terry Crookes who was my son's PADI instructor. I thought their services and overall offerings were outstanding, the atmosphere on the boat superb. I truly enjoyed my dives a lot and it was a true privilege to do my 500th dive (took me 35 years !) with them (where else does one get a lionfish-for-lunch shark spectacle !). Also, it was my son's PADI Open Water certification. He is just 10 yrs old so it really mattered to get a great instructor. Terry was just that. My son loved all the instruction and I thought Terry's light-hearted & banterous style of teaching coupled with quite some strict & methodical content really worked extremely well.

  • Bill Houck

    Bill Houck


    Dove with Prodivers about 2 yrs ago and was an excellent experience. Terry the dive master was/ is the friendliest guy you'll ever meet, and was a great instructor. Planning on diving with them again in February 2018. Very professional and highly recommended!!

  • Jennifer Ronzello

    Jennifer Ronzello


    Fantastic dive shop. The dive master made sure everyone was comfortable and enjoying themselves all day. We went to 2 sites and saw reef sharks, moray eels, sea turtles, sting rays, lobsters, and tons of other beautiful fish. I cannot recommend them highly enough. A very professional and safe environment that made diving today an absolutely amazing time. Thanks so much!

  • michael lucarelli

    michael lucarelli


    Great dive shop with an instructor who knows his stuff. Has been diving here for 3 decades and it shows! Would highly recommend for any level of diver

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