Royal St. Kitts Hotel i Frigate Bay

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406 Zenway Boulevard, Frigate Bay, San Cristóbal y Nieves
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-8651
Latitude: 17.2907261, Longitude: -62.6858233
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Kommentar 5

  • SKroots



    A newly renovated hotel, well furnished suites, good location, friendly staff.

  • Gursagar Singh

    Gursagar Singh


    I stayed here for roughly over a year and the living experience exponentially got worse as the staff changed and new management was brought in. Your ‘needs’ are not their worry or care at all. As long as you pay your rent, don’t complain about the ridiculous overpricing and are white then this is just the place for you! Pros: Forgot who the security manager is (mile i think) but he is really the only good hearted person here Cons: >The water is supplied by the country or government or whomever and is shut off every now then. >The washers will ruin your clothes (ripped mine and management said to my face that they don’t care its not their problem and I just don’t know how to do laundry) > if you live on the bottom floor then your ‘porch’ is essentially a insect breeding ground >their cleaning staff allowed my cat to escape because of their clumsiness and DID NOT TELL ME THIS! I figured it out as I came home and my cat was panting and it just seemed off because the rooms arent that big that he would get so out of breath and usually when the cleaning staff is there he just sits and watches them. As i questioned my gf if she left anything out that he may have eaten and he’s getting a reaction the cleaning lady on her way out says she left the screen door open while cleaning and he escaped just as she closes the door and go to the next room to clean. > thats another thing. If you have pets. This place is no longer pet friendly! They have like 20 new restrictions for pets. Being that this country is home to ROSS VET, thats a big smack in the face. >beware of the little white supremacist lady who acts friendly at the front desk but talks behind your back and thinks of herself as superior to you. >they had generators installed and raised all our rents because and i quote “we invested over $150,000 because residents complained of power outages and we need to recover our investment” EXCUSE ME?! Umm my father is a businessman and I’m sure many residents and their parents have businesses also but last time I checked that isn’t my responsibility to pay for that. That would be the equivalent of lets say my father spending half a mill to put new tanks in his gas station and then lowering all the workers pays to recover his investment. Doesnt make sense right. Yeah didnt make sense to me either. P.s. my room did have an existing generator and when we lost power they didnt bother turning them on because..... they werent working... (so theres power outages here too. Just wanna add that). The manager (not much of a manager) darren even went to the extent to say that he should be charging all the residents for the gym too. Like wow you guys are really money hungry! >now for the cleaning, the staff cleans well but i just hate that they mop your floors with some dirty ammonia water leaving almost puddles it seems in your room that take forever to dry and leave the floor sticky >security staff is THE DUMBEST BUNCH OF TURDS youll ever deal with in your life. If island laws weren’t so strict I seriously would have beat some of them up. They have ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE of how to do their jobs. You cant still choose to live here, OR you can go about a quarter mile down the street and live in the ocean view apartments or marriot and have a happy stress free, drama free, greed free stay in Kitts regardless if youre there as a student or just vacation.

  • Timothee Martin

    Timothee Martin


    Rooms are pretty modern and updated recently. This is a renovation of the old jack tar hotel and it’s been done in a very chic and stylish fashion. Pool available, game room with billiards, restaurants and bar. A gym is also available.

  • Shantal Munro- Knight

    Shantal Munro- Knight


    This is very modern and chic. The rooms have full amenities and are fairly large. My room overlooked the ocean and had an awesome view. There are two drawbacks there are no elevators and in my room the air condition did not work well. The hotel is right across from a new mall that is building with a supermarket and restaurant it is also in walking distance from a number of other eating places

  • ricardo garcia

    ricardo garcia


    Muy bonito y limpio y buena atencion

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Life Fitness Center

Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis
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