Timo Wine Bar & Restaurant i Basseterre

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Port Zante Food Court, Port Zante, Saint George Parish, St Kitts & Nevis, Basseterre, Saint Kitts i Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-766-0745
Hjemmeside: www.timotogo.com
Latitude: 17.2934407, Longitude: -62.7234304
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Kommentar 5

  • Jo-Anne Mason

    Jo-Anne Mason


    Timo has great fresh dough pizza. Upstairs in the food court. Excellent pizza.

  • Skyler Kanegi

    Skyler Kanegi


    Another review recommended the pork tenderloin sandwich, so I tried it. This is the best pork I’ve had in my entire life. Better than 90% of the brisket you will have in Texas, I’m not even joking. The Carib Radler is quite good as well/pairs well with this meal. Edit: came back again, and the pork sandwich was not great. Also very poor service. So I’m docking a star. I think it has the potential to be amazing, but it’s can be hit or miss.

  • Jake VanderKamp

    Jake VanderKamp


    One of the best pork tenderloin sandwiches I’ve ever had in my entire life. Apparently they marinate the pork for 48hrs. Add bacon and a home made Parmesan cream sauce on a fresh, house made bun with hand cut chip fries. Makes no sense for an italian restaurant on a West Indies island, but those are the facts. Diner’s, Driveins & Dives caliber because it’s so unexpected.

  • Andy G

    Andy G


    Delicious pasta. Typical slow “island time” service. Standard beer selection.

  • Gwen Jones

    Gwen Jones


    We had a fabulous, reasonably priced Italien meal at this little restaurant in the food court (upstairs), at Port Zante, Basseterre, St Kitts. Starter was a shared mushroom and girgonzola bruschetta - very good and tasty, then seafood linguine and cheese rissoto with chicken. The flavours were fabulous, and portion sizes, substantial. We also had a couple of glasses of red wine and a beer, yet the bill was reasonable We were sat just outside the kitchen area, and we particularly noticed that, although the kitchen was busy, it was kept very clean, someone from the kitchen staff wiping down surfaces, once the chef(s) had done their preparation. There were a lot of take away orders, but we still didn't wait long for our food. The restaurant has only been opened a few weeks, but the team is working well together and the food is good. We will return to taste the pizzas, which also looked very good. Recommended.

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