Dreamy Weddings & Tours Inc. i Basseterre

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Koi Building #1 Airport Road, Basseterre, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 877-694-4565
Hjemmeside: www.dreamyweddings.com
Latitude: 17.310168, Longitude: -62.711646
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Kommentar 2

  • Lindsay Blackwell

    Lindsay Blackwell


    I found Dreamy Weddings & Tours online and saw the rave reviews. They definitely deserve their 5 starts. Nailah & her team helped put on a 40th anniversary vow renewal for my in-laws and it was so easy getting it all set up with them. From the flowers to the colors & music it was PERFECT. We also just got back the photographer's photos from the event and it was so great getting to see the moment professionally captured. THANK YOU Dreamy Weddings & Tours for making the memory a once and a lifetime moment for them. And also for being so great to work with during the planning process with them! 100% you should use this company! :)

  • Dominique Bieri

    Dominique Bieri


    Working with Dreamy Weddings was a fabulous experience! These ladies are truly wonderful and talented at organizing and arranging your perfect dream wedding. They make planning a wedding from a remote location a breeze and they're always available to answer any questions you have. They also accommodate special requests or custom upgrades. Everything was picture perfect for our special day! I couldn't have asked for anything more! If you are considering a destination wedding, I would definitely recommend using Dreamy Weddings to turn your wedding dreams into a reality.

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