Leeward Islands Charters i Basseterre

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586, Fort Street, Basseterre, KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-7474
Hjemmeside: www.leewardislandscharters.com
Latitude: 17.2954464, Longitude: -62.723567
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Kommentar 4

  • James McKean

    James McKean


  • Carris Morton

    Carris Morton


    The catamaran cruise was so good I did it twice. I Loooovveee this cruise. I literally had two of the best days of my life both times! The tour is well organised, the staff are well trained and professional and the cruise gives a lot of amazingness and fun for your money. I think its good for solo travellers as well as couples or families. The first time I did it alone (not being able to swim) and the guides reassured me and supported me In the water when snorkelling. It was so good the second time I asked a relative to Come. At the end of the tour she said it was the best day of her life. The food, the scenario, snorkeling etc EVERYTHING is incredible. I always have this on my itinery whenever I come to visit St. Kitts.

  • Shelley Shaw

    Shelley Shaw


    Full sail back to port...awesome!

  • Lauren Klein

    Lauren Klein


    We had a private charter and it was incredible. Crew was helpful and friendly. The captain let us decide how we wanted to spend the day on the boat. The lunch and drinks were fresh and delicious. The views from the boat were amazing. It was the most memorable day.

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