Mrs. Moore's Eat to Live Snackette i Saint George Basseterre Parish

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St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1-869
Latitude: 17.294173, Longitude: -62.7236613
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Kommentar 5

  • RainbowKatana Gaming

    RainbowKatana Gaming


    We were in St. Kitts on a recent cruise. We had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Moore! We had an ok time while in St. Kitts but when we met Mrs. Moore it quickly became the highlight of our visit! Her chicken on johnny cakes is a simple and delicious meal with some scotch bonnet pepper sauce to finish it off. It was just amazing. It was just the experience we were looking for during our visit. We got an authentic taste of St. Kitts and we shared some great conversation with an extremely friendly and sweet person in Mrs. Moore. She is the type of person that you meet and instantly feel as though you are family. I would love to stop at Mrs. Moore's Snackette on a future trip to St. Kitts!

  • Fishy Doc

    Fishy Doc


    Honest hardy working, great cook, neat and tidy. She is the " real deal". I have travel a lot and she is good!!

  • Katie Ferris

    Katie Ferris


    Mrs. Moore is the sweetest lady on the island!! I live in St. Kitts for 2.5 years while attending vet school back in 2005-2007 and visited her on a regular basis. Her johnny cakes are to die for and the passion fruit juice is so yummy! This is the PERFECT place to go to get a taste of St. Kitts! I even book a cruise just so I could go back to visit her! This time I'm taking my family! We leave tomorrow!!!!!

  • Tracey Eirich

    Tracey Eirich


    We were brought here by a sweet older woman who sold us some necklaces and sundresses. We had seen this food stand walking by before, but was not sure. We decided to order the Johnny Cake with chicken; which is a mild seasoned jerk roasted chicken stuffed inside the slightly weet pastry dough with lettuce and your choice of sausce. It was delisous!! And for $3.00, yes please. It was very filling and both of us did not finish it. Out meal with the Johnny Cakes and two water came to $7.00 with the tips. If i ever come back to St. Kitts this will be a MUST STOP again. Mrs. Moore was very welcoming and friendly to us! Can't wait to visit Mrs. Moore again

  • scuba9585



    We went here when we were in port! Great local place suggested to us by paddle boarding tour guides. We had the curry and conch, curry chicken, Johnny cakes and chicken and Johnny cakes and fried fish. All was delicious and Mrs. Moore was very welcoming and friendly to us! Of note, fried fish is a whole fish (head and tail). The Johnny cake is a sweet pastry that was highly recommended. Can't wait to visit Mrs. Moore again

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