Rituals i Kittian Village

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Kittian Village, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-0107
Hjemmeside: www.pizzaboys.com
Latitude: 17.2866232, Longitude: -62.6854509
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Kommentar 5

  • Gursagar Singh

    Gursagar Singh


    Poor attempt to be the caribbean Starbucks. Slow service, reheated frozen food which theyre not even able to do that properly. Undercooked meats and cheap! I used to order the chillers but their prices are more ridiculous than UK and for 1/16 the service. You cant even ask for a coffee tray cause the idiots will tear the coffee tray and hand you a 1/4 -1/2 of a coffee tray. Really?!?! Its supposed to be a coffee house/lounge where you can chill and study but the music is always so loud you sometimes cant even talk to the person next to you.

  • Ikymo Garvey

    Ikymo Garvey


    Serves nice breakfast combos, nice, clean and friendly staffs. You can get coffee r tea as well along with variety of drinks, smoothies, beers, donuts, cakes, burgers, pasta, sandwiches, wraps etc. Service fast only when heavily crowded stays little bit longer

  • Michael Chandler

    Michael Chandler


    Great spot. Someone called it the Starbucks of St Kitts, we think it's actually better. Nice selection of food choices beyond the coffees and chillers that are amazing

  • Kathleen



    Internet was slow but it's free. Service was decent. Price was okay. Passionfruit, orange & guava smoothie - too sweet but very fruity; next time, I will ask for them to not add sugar at all Egg, bacon & cheese on sesame bagel - tasteless maybe due to lack of seasoning

  • Alex Merkulov

    Alex Merkulov


    Excellent Breakfast in St Kitts This small restaurant is located in Kittian Village near the Marriott. Full breakfast options available. Several Creole options are also available including beans. The food is excellent and prices are very reasonable. The staff is great. I was overcharged for an order of beans and was immediately given a refund. Plenty of outdoor seating.

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