Ocean Terrace Inn i Brumaire

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Brumaire, San Cristóbal y Nieves
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-2754
Hjemmeside: oceanterraceinn.com
Latitude: 17.2909351, Longitude: -62.733527
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Kommentar 5

  • Deliah Lewis

    Deliah Lewis


    already reviewed this one. Loved the property, views and the ambiance.




    Very nice and awesome place. Great view

  • Erlyn Gumbs

    Erlyn Gumbs


    The staff are amazing and the views from my side exceeded my expectations. My family stayed in one room while I stayed in another and both rooms were up to date(modernized). If you do need wheelchair accessibility, do let them know ahead of time as not the entire complex is accessible, but they will accommodate your needs and place you accordingly. The fishermen's wharf restaurant is also conveniently located near by. Their food and hospitality is just out of this world! My experience has been exceptional with the great hospitality from both. I've already recommended OTI to a few friends who also immediately fell in love with the pricing and the amazing views. I've added a night view picture of the pool(more beautiful in person) and decorations completed by Fishermen's wharf's staff for an event I had. They provided!! I enjoyed my stay!

  • Joel Moebius

    Joel Moebius


    For what we wanted was perfect. Seeking quite around the pool with a lil lunch and drinks. We booked this a resort for a day. We did not stay overnight. Have no clue on rates for rooms. We were on cruise and wanted to get away for the day. Wife is not abeach person. There is no beach access so if your looking for beach this isn't it. They keep things quite around pool so if you want music bring the Bluetooth speakers. Jermaine the bartender was great.

  • kevin simon

    kevin simon


    A really big upgrade from what I knew it was in the past. The rooms are lovely and the view is great. My 3 stars are for some is has that I had on one occasion and then a revisit produced some of the same problems so I gave this grade. It takes a while for the meals to be prepared but they are good none the less. Overall a pleasant place.

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