Seaview Inn i Basseterre

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p.o.Box 1586 Bay Road, Basseterre, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-663-6554
Latitude: 17.2944886, Longitude: -62.724811
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Kommentar 5

  • Colin Charles

    Colin Charles


    I made a last minute reservation after arriving in St. Kitts and was pleased to get a nice room at such short notice. The host was very nice and engaged me in a long pleasant conversation before I turned in. In the morning I went outside and I was very impressed with the view of the ocean from the terrace and the beautiful gardens. Breakfast was of a traditional English style. I would have preferred something more local as a choice but it still was sufficient. You will immediately unwind here. It is definitely a great start to any vacation.

  • jeffdee41



    Seaview Inn is a wonderful place in the heart of Basseterre, St. Kitts. The owner, Xavier and his staff are very hospitable and professional. They make you feel at home. The rooms are cozy and clean, the meals are scrumptious, and the accessibility to Port Zante, shopping, taxis and everything St. Kitts makes it so worth it. I give it a big thumbs up. Love you guys!!!!

  • M H

    M H


    Fantastic staff and great location. Very helpful about navigating the area and good spot to meet and get to know locals to learn about the culture. Serves breakfast and lunch and has bar. Walking distance to Port Zante. 12 minute drive to Shipwreck or strip.

  • Michael Derome

    Michael Derome


    Well managed, clean and safe. Great home base while my mom is stuck in hospital. Staff has been quite accomodating and flexible. Steps to great bus service. Fair price. Nice common dining room.

  • Julio Calderon

    Julio Calderon


    Amazing place to stay. Just in front of the sea. They have a little bar where you can have a drink or a beer. The rooms are very clean and quiet. People working in there are nice and friendly. I went in there alone and I am getting out with a friend!

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