Sugar Bay Club St. Kitts Hotel i Basseterre

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Frigate Bay Beach, Basseterre, St. Kitts und Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-8037
Latitude: 17.2867656, Longitude: -62.6847586
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Kommentar 5

  • Lana Hurley

    Lana Hurley


    Oui+ . 00999.9 ₤00999.9 ....ok i

  • David Myles

    David Myles


    Well kept, renovation ongoing. Not as nice as the Marriott, but a better deal considering it's almost half the price. So many good options at your doorstep.

  • Terry Briegel

    Terry Briegel


    Beautiful spot & Great location - But Under Construction

  • Brian Cox

    Brian Cox


    So far, so good! Great value in October. The staff is a mixed bag; most courteous and helpful, one or two who try to avoid being helpful or even being kind. Be prepared for lots of renovation work in 2017. One side of the club looks pretty rough, but that is the nature of construction. In our 4th day and liking it even better every day.

  • Jo-Anne Mason

    Jo-Anne Mason


    We stayed here one night because we could not get back to Nevis on the Sea Bridge. It was great. The room was very nice. The lady behind the desk was very nice. They have an ATM. Samurai restaurant is right there along with Bombay Blues and Rituals sushi. There is also a Ram's mini mart that is full of stuff. All within easy walk distance.

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