Sugar Bay i Kittian Village

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Kittian Village, St. Kitts und Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 868-330-8881
Latitude: 17.2867469, Longitude: -62.6844465
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Kommentar 5

  • mandrin school girl cheer team

    mandrin school girl cheer team


    The pool is great it's so beautiful and everyone is so nice but I don't like that u only get 1 pillow even if your sleeping with 2 people in one bed

  • David Myles

    David Myles


    Nice, clean, great location to Frigate Bay

  • Errol Fabien

    Errol Fabien


    This property is wonderfully located and almost perfectly laid out. It has seen it's Glory days though. There is evident need of repairs and maintenance. It would be so much of a better experience if the property has it's own dining room.

  • David Smith

    David Smith


    Much construction in progress. Should be nice when completed. Very nice employees.

  • maclean francis

    maclean francis


    The hotel is basic buy gives you feel of seclusion. Pool on location. Sea just steps away. All the necessities such as super market, pharmacy, police station. Also near to great restaurants and fun beach bars. You may need insect repellent.

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