Sweet Cane - Restaurant & Bar i Basseterre

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Port Zante, Saint George Parish,, Basseterre, Saint Kitts i Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-4345
Hjemmeside: sweetcaneskn.com
Latitude: 17.2929149, Longitude: -62.7220195
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Kommentar 5

  • Skyler Kanegi

    Skyler Kanegi


    Waited 15 mins while being ignored by a waitress who had 3 tables. Two of which were done eating. Everything in the menu was overpriced (>$20USD) and drowning in cheese or sauce, which is a bad sign. If I had to guess, this is not authentic. Similar to BJ’s or Chili’s if you’re into that and like to overpay.

  • Wendell Lawrence

    Wendell Lawrence


    Tasty cuisine! Excellent service

  • Yogesh Verma

    Yogesh Verma


    They've consistently served good quality food here and for very affordable prices. Service can be a little slow but the staff is nice.

  • Narelle Magloire

    Narelle Magloire


    Good atmosphere, great group seating, but still intimate seating can be found. Food is fresh and will prepped, the taste is consistent. Service can be a struggle at times, but generally friendly and efficient. There is outside seating, wheelchair access, inside dining, and a bar. It's reasonable in expense and portions you get. However it closes way too early in the evenings for the time it opens up.

  • Shannon Kelso

    Shannon Kelso


    We went here because we were so hungry and were having a difficult time finding a place to eat in Basseterre that was actually open. We didn't want to just get back on the cruise ship because we were hoping to find some local food! You have to walk through the 1st floor casino to get here, but it has a nice view of the cruise ships and some of the island. There were only 2 other people in the restaurant, but service was somehow still slow, and the waitress misunderstood our order. So, not great overall, but the food was acceptable and the view was pretty good.

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