The Hamilton Beach Villas & Spa i Charlestown

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Charlestown, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-469-5320
Latitude: 17.1734581, Longitude: -62.6254268
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Kommentar 5

  • Lenin Castillo

    Lenin Castillo


    This place is truly amazing, gorgeous rooms, great customer service. If you been to all the islands like me, you will notice this one is a lot cleaner, nicer and full of good neighborhoods, not one dirty or bad neighborhood. People here truly care about tourism and offer great hospitality.

  • Alex Merkulov

    Alex Merkulov


    Great accommodation for a family. 2 bedroom luxury villas available with a queen bed in each room. Close to the Sea Bridge (5-10 min) and Charlestown (10 min). No elevator for 2nd and 3rd floor walk up villas. Parents with kids commonly stay here. Pros Beautiful villa, nicely maintained and cleaned daily Fully furnished Full kitchen with all utensils, small appliances, refrigerator, microwave Strong Wifi Small TV with cable Great restaurant on the premises - Yachtsman Grill Circular pool on the premises Located beach front - very nice beach - with chairs and umbrellas available free of charge

  • Julie Connell

    Julie Connell


    Beautiful grounds ,well maintained beach and great staff. The only reason for 4 stars is that there's not a "mini market" near by and taxis are expensive

  • Aaron West

    Aaron West


    Nice beach, Yachtsman's grill

  • 邱品叡




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