Timothy Beach Resort i Saint George Basseterre Parish

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St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-465-8597
Hjemmeside: www.timothybeach.com
Latitude: 17.280907, Longitude: -62.686079
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Kommentar 5

  • Arvind Rana

    Arvind Rana


    Beautiful room with superb location , right next to the beach. Plenty of shacks around where you can go for Friday night parties , lots of people comes for swimming , activities near this . Must visit to the resort

  • Stephen Babb

    Stephen Babb


    This resort has everything, the only thing is that the wait service is very very slow. The normal wait time for someone to come over and ask what your eating is about 12mins. the 50mins to bring out to your table.

  • Rema In Love with God

    Rema In Love with God


    Great experience. Good food. Beach bars close by for entertainment

  • Marc Parham

    Marc Parham


    This resort has everything. Waterfront beach with rooms just steps from the beach. Restuarant and restrooms near (10 ft) from the beach plus shaded chairs on the beach for guests. The rooms were fine but I found the bed too hard for my taste. You can also enjoy the sunset from the bar at the resort right on the beach and it is next to at least 5 bar/clubs on the same street that all front on the beach. The hotel has solar panels on the all the roofs so it get most of its electrcity from the sun. This is a gem of a place.

  • John Vandenberg

    John Vandenberg


    Lots of things going on within walking distance. Great rooms we stay in. Friendly people. Good restaurants close by.

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