The Mill, Daily Brewed Baked Crafted i Frigate Bay

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Ocean's Edge, Frigate Bay, St Kitts & Nevis
Kontakter telefon: +1 869-767-3612
Latitude: 17.2835931, Longitude: -62.6843173
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Kommentar 5

  • rodney browne

    rodney browne


    Some if the best coffee o. The island. Great atmosphere, usually quiet.

  • Manuel E. Castro Córdova

    Manuel E. Castro Córdova


    Very expensive, for a very limited menu. The service is OK, the place itself is nice. You should not expect a variety of pastries or even freshly baked bread. The only reason to visit this place is because you don't want to walk farther from where you're staying, but considering its location, there are better places nearby.

  • Narelle Magloire

    Narelle Magloire


    Setting is not all that it is on the outside, rustic even... Then you enter and it's a cross between chic Cafe and diner bakery... Back room, front room, depends on your preference. Lovely service, wheelchair accessible, and outside seating... The view is the road, but who can beat that sunshine!

  • Terry Crookes

    Terry Crookes


    Great coffee. Fresh baked pastries. Excellent value. Free fast Wi-Fi.

  • Ryan Hintze

    Ryan Hintze


    Awesome breakfast. Beats any American breakfast I’ve had in weeks! Coffee was really good too.

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